The Lens of Love Part 2
Today’s post takes place two weeks after the events of the previous entry, The Lens of Love Part 1 (please read it if you haven’t already). On this particular Sunday, as I sometimes do after church, I went to breakfast with a friend. Our custom is that we take turns paying the bill, including the tip. When I picked up the check to pay the bill, to my surprise, she laid $20 on the table, saying it was for the tip. Even though I reminded her that she had paid in full, including the tip, the last time we met, she insisted. In an attempt to keep the peace, I conceded and used her money to tip the waiter. Feeling confused and a little bothered, I thought about our conversation as I drove to run errands.
My first stop was LensCrafters to pick up my new prescription sunglasses. Inside the store, I was greeted by a young lady who assisted me. When she asked if I wanted to try them on, I found myself being very curt with her as I just wanted to get the shades and leave. When I got to the car, I put on my brand-new lenses. As I sat there looking in the mirror, I was convicted by the Holy Spirit about my discourteous behavior. “Who was that?!” It was as if I did not even recognize myself in the store. I went back into the store and asked the young lady her name. I apologized to Jessica for my behavior. Her response to me was, “That’s OK. I’m used to it!” My heart sank! I explained to her how I had allowed the incident that occurred prior to affect my demeanor and that it was inexcusable. I shared with her that the Lord had me return to the store because He cares about us. As her eyes welled up with tears, she hugged and thanked me.
I am accustomed to the Lord teaching me through practical experiences. This day, the lesson was literal! I had changed from my old sunglasses to a brand new pair with brand new lenses! In addition, He helped me to understand that my friend’s behavior in the restaurant was prompted by her giving heart. It is important for me to detail these events because the Lord showed me how the enemy can use trivial matters to influence our minds and moods. Spiritually, I had replaced the lenses of frustration with those of repentance and forgiveness, which is the only way to experience love and life!
1 John 4:7-10
Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love. God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.